Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Biography Born on October 21, 1949, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu[a] is an Israeli politician who has been Israel’s prime minister since 2022. He previously held the position from 1996 to 1999 and from 2009 to 2021. He is the Likud party’s chair. With more than 16 years of service, Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israeli history. Netanyahu was reared in West Jerusalem and the US after being born to secular Jewish parents. He came back to Israel in 1967 to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces, serving as a captain in the Sayeret Matkal special forces until his honorable release. In 1978, after returning to Israel to establish the Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, Netanyahu joined the Boston Consulting Group following his graduation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Biography
On October 21, 1949, Benjamin was born in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Benjamin, the nation’s three-time prime leader, had a contentious professional background. He held the position twice, from 2009 to 2021 and from 1996 to 1999. In November 2022, he was elected again. However, he is largely held accountable for his indictment in 2019 due to charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of faith. View the net worth of Pope Francis. The current Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was born in Tel Aviv in 1949. His parents were Benzion Netanyahu, a historian who specialized in Spain’s Jewish Golden Age, and Tzila Segal. The paternal grandfather of Netanyahu was a Zionist writer and rabbi. Their last name was altered to “Netanyahu,” which means “God has given,” after his father immigrated to Israel. Netanyahu is mostly Ashkenazi, although a DNA test revealed that he also has some Sephardic ancestry, and he claims to be descended from the Vilna Gaon.
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Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Biography Details
About Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Biography
Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is an Israeli politician, serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office in 1996–1999 and 2009–2021. He is chair of the Likud party. Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history, having served a total of over 16 years.
Born: 21 October 1949 (age 74 years), Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Previous offices: Leader of the Opposition in Israel (2021–2022)
Party: Likud
Height: 1.84 m
Early Life and Education
Benjamin Netanyahu was raised by his father, Benzion Netanyahu, who was an expert on Jewish history, especially the Golden Age of Spain. Benzion Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv to Tzila Segal and Benzion Netanyahu. Being the middle child of three siblings, he grew up in a loving home in Jerusalem during his formative years. Following a brief stint at Pennsylvania’s Cheltenham High School, he completed his military duty in Israel after graduating from high school. After attending MIT for his graduate studies, Netanyahu started working as an economic advisor before entering politics.
Upon founding the Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, Benjamin Netanyahu took on the position of Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN. Having been Israel’s youngest prime minister ever, he created history in 1996. Negotiations with Yasser Arafat were place throughout his first term. His approval of Hamas leader Khaled Mashal’s murder, however, soured relations with Jordan.
Corruption scandals and resistance characterized Netanyahu’s first term as prime minister, which finally cost him the 1999 election. He returned to politics and served as Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs after a brief stint in the private sector. He put into effect growth-promoting economic measures throughout this period.
Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has a net worth of $80 million. Netanyahu’s wealth has grown by 400% annually making him one of the richest prime ministers in the world.
Netanyahu has engaged in various business endeavors, co-founding a furniture company and a consulting firm, and serving on multiple companies’ boards. His annual profits from these ventures amount to $1.6 million. Additionally, he is an author of several books, notably his autobiography, from which he has earned substantial advances and royalties, totaling over $3 million.
What Assets does he own?
Apart from his income and additional government perks, he has earned a considerable sum through investing in real estate. Netanyahu possesses several properties in Israel and the United States, with some of his most prominent assets being:
A luxury home in Caesarea, Israel, valued at over $10 million.
A penthouse apartment in Tel Aviv, Israel, valued at over $1.8 million.
A vacation home in Caesarea, Israel, valued at over $2 million.
A beachfront home in Malibu, California, valued at over $7 million.
A condominium in New York City, valued at over $5 million.