When is Buddha Purnima 2024: Date, Time, Shubh Muhurat, Rituals, History, Significance, Teachings And Quotes

When is Buddha Purnima 2024: The birth of Lord Gautam Buddha, who was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautam in Lumbini, present-day Nepal around 563 BC, is commemorated on this important day. Buddhists globally observe Buddha Purnima with enthusiasm.This year, Buddha Purnima will be observed on 23rd May (Thursday).

When is Buddha Purnima 2024

The Vaisakha month in the Buddhist and Hindu calendars, along with the Vikram Samvat calendar, marks Buddha’s birthday based on Asian lunisolar calendars. Celebrated on the full moon day of the Vaisakha month, it takes place in the sacred sites of Buddha’s life, present-day India and Nepal, typically in April or May on the Western Gregorian calendar. In 2024, it will be observed on May 23rd.

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Buddha Purnima 2024 Date and Timings: Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak or Buddha Jayanti, is a significant and joyous festival observed by Buddhists globally. It commemorates the life and teachings of Buddha, celebrating his birth and enlightenment. Celebrated fervently in India, Buddha Purnima is also revered in various nations in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, China, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. Here are the details you need to be aware of about this day.

Buddha Purnima 2024: Date and Timings

It is believed to be the 2586th Birth Anniversary of Gautama Buddha. This year, Buddha Purnima (Vesak) or Buddha Jayanti will be celebrated on Thursday, May 23rd.

  • Purnima Tithi Begins – May 22, 2024 – 06:47 PM
  • Purnima Tithi Ends – May 23, 2024 – 07:22 PM

Buddha Purnima 2024 Shubh Muhurat

  • Purnima Tithi Begins: May 22, 2024, at 6:47 PM
  • Purnima Tithi Ends: May 23, 2024, at 7:22 PM
  • Auspicious Time for Bathing and Donations: 4:04 AM to 5:26 AM on May 23
  • Auspicious Time for Worshiping Lord Vishnu: 10:35 AM to 12:18 PM

Also Read:- Vaishakha Purnima 2024: Date and Time

Buddha Purnima 2024: Origin and Significance

Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini, Nepal around 563 BC. He later became Buddha after reaching enlightenment. Raised in Kapilavastu, he meditated under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, achieving nirvana. Legend says Buddha broke free from the cycle of birth and rebirth. He played roles as a philosopher, mentor, religious figure, and meditator. In Hindu beliefs, he’s seen as Vishnu’s ninth avatar, symbolizing reincarnation. Buddha Purnima is important in the Buddhist calendar. It honors Gautama Buddha, who became enlightened and escaped rebirth. People visit temples, meditate, chant scriptures, give to monks, and do good deeds. Some bathe in rivers, worship Buddha and Satyanarayan, and offer to the moon.

Year-Wise 2024 To 2025 Buddha Purnima Observances

YEAR DAY DATE Event/Festival
2024 Thur 23-May Buddha Purnima/Vesak
2025 Mon 12-May Buddha Purnima/Vesak

Buddha Purnima History

The Buddha’s tale began in Lumbini, Nepal around 2,500 years ago. According to legend, when Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, was born, he took seven steps, and a lotus flower bloomed with each step. Buddhists commemorate this event on Buddha Purnima as his birth. His enlightenment, referred to as nirvana, is considered a pivotal moment. Buddhist scriptures recount that he meditated beneath a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, and attained enlightenment. Buddhists globally observe this occasion by engaging in meditation, prayer, and acts of kindness towards others.

Buddha Purnima Rituals

Kashi astrologer Pandit Sanjay Upadhyay said that on the day of Buddha Purnima, one should take a bath in a holy river or Ganga in the morning. After the bath, one should offer Arghya to Lord Sun and then sprinkle black sesame seeds in the flowing water. Apart from this, one should donate to the needy or Brahmins as one wishes on this day. Lord Vishnu is pleased with this and gives blessings to the devotees. Pandit Upadhyay also mentioned that it is important to worship Chandradev on the day of Buddha Purnima. It is advised to offer Arghya to Him during the moonrise at night to help alleviate financial issues faced by devotees.

Who was Gautama Budha?

Gautama Buddha, also recognized as Lord Buddha, established Buddhism after being born in a noble family in Southern Nepal circa 623 BC. Born to the head of the Shakya Clan and a princess, Buddha’s initial life was sheltered until encountering suffering beyond his palace walls. Motivated to seek solutions, he abandoned his opulent lifestyle to pursue asceticism. Despite learning various meditation methods from different mentors, Buddha found them lacking. Following a period of deep meditation beneath a bodhi tree, he achieved enlightenment and transformed into Buddha, the awakened one. Subsequently, he initiated a community known as the Sangha, commencing with his five companions, to disseminate his teachings.

Buddha traveled across India for 49 years, imparting dharma and meditation teachings. Kings offered retreats for the Sangha to support him. Rules for the Sangha’s behavior were set by him and recited biweekly. Buddha peacefully passed away at 80, urging his followers to depend on themselves and his teachings. Posthumously, he was revered as “Lord Buddha.”

Buddha Purnima 2023: Noble EightFold Path

  • 1. Right Understanding
  • 2. Right Thought
  • 3. Right Action
  • 4. Right Speech
  • 5. Right Mindfulness
  • 6. Right Livelihood,
  • 7. Right Effort
  • 8. Right Concentration


“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

“Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”

“Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”

How is Vesak celebrated in India?

Vesak celebrations in India vary based on the region and local customs. Common observances include visiting temples to offer prayers and gifts, engaging in meditation and prayer sessions, chanting Buddhist scriptures for blessings, providing food and alms to monks, and practicing kindness and generosity through charitable acts.

Teachings of Gautam Buddha that will change your life:

Nothing is lost in this universe: Gautam Buddha meant that what we do, comes back to us, Hence, we should lead a life of care and love.

Everything changes: Change is the only constant in this world, and we should learn to embrace it.

Live in the present: Buddha urged people to focus on the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Truth cannot be hidden: He explained that like the sun and the moon, the truth also cannot be hidden from sight.

Think positive: The mind reflects the thoughts – we should feed positive information to the mind to have a positive life.

Do not give up: No matter where we come from and what situation we are in, we should never give up on ourselves.

Walk alone: Sometimes we may not find company when we walk the route of truth. We should keep walking always.

Never use harsh words: The tongue can hurt a person – we should always choose our words carefully.

The body is our asset: Our bodies are our greatest possession. We should treat it with care and love.

Control your anger: Our anger can make us do things that are against our character. We should control it and not let it control us.

Never recall the past: The past is gone, and we should let it go. Instead, we should embrace our present.

Appreciate what we have: We should learn to dwell in happiness and appreciate the life we have.

Other Festivals in India with Holiday Type 01-Jan To 25-Dec

Festivals in India Day Date Holiday Type
New Year’s Day Mon 01-Jan Restricted Holiday
Lohri Sat 13-Jan Restricted Holiday
Makar Sankranti Sun 14-Jan Restricted Holiday
Pongal Mon 15-Jan Restricted Holiday
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Wed 17-Jan Restricted Holiday
Republic Day Fri 26-Jan Gazetted Holiday
Losar Sat 10-Feb Restricted Holiday
Basant Panchmi Wed 14-Feb Restricted Holiday
Guru Ravidas Jayanti Sat 24-Feb Gazetted Holiday
Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti Wed 6-Mar Restricted Holiday
Mahashivratri Fri 8-Mar Gazetted Holiday
Holi Mon 25-March Gazetted Holiday
Good Friday Fri 29-Mar Gazetted Holiday
Easter Day Sun 31-Mar Restricted Holiday
Gudi Padwa Tue 9-Apr Restricted Holiday
Eid-ul-Fitr Wed 10-Apr Gazetted Holiday
Vaisakhi (Vishu) Sat 13-Apr Restricted Holiday
Rama Navami Wed 17-Apr Gazetted Holiday
Mahavir Jayanti Sun 21-Apr Gazetted Holiday
Rabindra Jayanti Wed 8-May Restricted Holiday
Buddha Purnima (Vesak) Thu 23-May Gazetted Holiday
Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) Mon 17-Jun Restricted Holiday
Rath Yatra Sun 7-Jul Gazetted Holiday
Muharram (Ashura) Wed 17-Jul Gazetted Holiday
Independence Day Thu 15-Aug Gazetted Holiday
Parsi New Year’s Day (Nauraz) Thu 15-Aug Public Holiday
Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) Mon 19-Aug Restricted Holiday
Janmashtami Mon 26-Aug Restricted Holiday
Ganesh Chaturthi Sat 7-Sep Restricted Holiday
Onam Sun 15-Sep Restricted Holiday
Milad-un-Nabi or Id-e- Milad Mon 16-Sep Gazetted Holiday
Gandhi Jayanti Wed 02-Oct Gazetted Holiday
Dussehra Sat 12-Oct Gazetted Holiday
Valmiki Jayanti Thu 17-Oct Restricted Holiday
Karva Chauth Sun 20-Oct Gazetted Holiday
Dhanteras Tue 29-Oct Restricted Holiday
Kali Puja Thu 31-Oct Gazetted Holiday
Halloween Day Thu 31-Oct No Holiday
Diwali Fri 1-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Lakshmi Puja Fri 1-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Karnataka Rajyotsava Fri 1-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Kerala Piravi Fri 1-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Govardhan Puja Sat 2-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Bhai Dooj Sun 3-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Chhath Puja Thu 7-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Guru Nanak Jayanti Fri 15-Nov Gazetted Holiday
Christmas Wed 25-Dec Public Holiday
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