Vat Purnima 2024: Date, Timings, Muhurat, Rituals, Significance, History & Images

Vat Purnima 2024 is here, marking the annual observance where women fast and pray for their husbands’ blessings and longevity. Celebrated with devotion, this auspicious day is similar to Vat Savitri Vrat and is significant for married women in the family.

Vat Purnima 2024: Date

As per the Purnima calendar, Vat Purnima falls on Jyeshtha Amavasya, coinciding with Shani Jayanti. On the other hand, the Amanta calendar marks Vat Purnima on Jyeshtha Purnima. According to Drik Panchang, this auspicious day will be observed on June 21 this year.

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Vat Purnima Vrat 2024 date

21 June, Friday 2024

 Vat Savitri Savitri Amavasya Vrat

5 June, Wednesday 2024

Tithi Begins

21 June at 7:31 a.m.

Tithi ends

22 June at 6:37 a.m.

Vat Purnima 2024: Shubh Muhurat

According to Drik Panchang, Purnima tithi will begin at 7:31 AM on June 21 and will end at 6:37 AM on June 22.

ALSO READ: Vat Savitri 2024: Date, Time, Shubh Muhurat, Puja Vidhi, Significance And Vrat Katha Of Vat Savitri Amavasya Vrat

Vat Purnima 2024: Rituals

Married women observe a fast throughout the day on Vat Purnima. In the evening, they worship Goddess Savitri and Satyawan beneath a banyan tree. It is customary for devotees to wear new clothes, apply vermilion on their forehead, and place a banyan leaf on their head. Unmarried women can also fast on Vat Purnima to seek blessings for a suitable husband and should wear yellow attire when praying to the Goddess.

Vat Purnima 2024: Significance

The Vat Purnima Vrat is scheduled for 21 June this year and is a tradition followed by married Hindu women. It commemorates Savitri’s feat of outsmarting lord Yama to save her husband Satyawan’s life. Women observe this Vrat for the well-being and longevity of their spouses. The significance of the banyan tree in Hindu customs is notable, as it symbolizes the three supreme deities – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Vat Vrat lasts for three days and commences two days before Purnima in the Jyeshtha month. While many Hindu festivals align in the Amanta and Purnimanta lunar calendars, the uniqueness of Vat Purnima Vrat lies in its observance during Jyeshtha Amavasya in the Purnimanta calendar, coinciding with Shani Jayanti.

History of Vat Purnima 2024

Princess Savitri fell in love with Satyawan despite knowing that he was destined to die within a year. When Satyawan passed away as predicted, Savitri pleaded with Yamraj to spare him. Impressed by her devotion, Yamraj granted her wish and returned Satyawan’s life, illustrating the deep bond between husband and wife in the tale of Satyawan and Savitri.

When is Vat Savitri Puja

Vat Purnima or Vat Savitri Puja is observed in the Western states of India, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka. During this festival, women pray for the well-being and prosperity of their husbands by tying threads around the banyan tree’s trunk, a ritual known as pipal puja. Married women across different regions honor Savitri, the revered wife of Satyavan, who is celebrated for saving her husband’s soul from Lord Yama, the God of death.

Vat Savitri Puja 2024

The Vat Savitri puja in 2024 will be observed on June 21, Friday, coinciding with Jyestha Amavasa in the Purnimata calendar. In the Amanta calendar, the 2024 Vat Savitri vrat date is also on June 21, Friday, falling on Jyestha Purnima. The Gregorian calendar marks the vat Savitri puja in June. This festival is annually celebrated twice in India, during both the bright and dark fortnights. Some individuals adhere to observing Vat Savitri Amavasi Vrat on the dark fortnight, while others follow Vrat Savitri Purnima Vrat on the bright fortnight. Fasting during this time is believed to bestow devotees with improved life and fortune. The fast is thought to bring good luck and prosperity to husbands when women diligently observe it, akin to how the legendary Savitri rescued her husband from death.

Vat Savitri Puja Vrat Timings 2024:

Purnima Tithi Begins – 07:31 AM on Jun 21, 2024

Purnima Tithi Ends – 06:37 AM on Jun 22, 2024

Vat Purnima Images

Vat Purnima Images

Vat Purnima Images

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