Maundy Thursday alternatively referred to as Holy Thursday, is a significant day in the Christian calendar, occurring on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. It is a solemn time for contemplation and will be observed on March 28th this year, followed by Good Friday on March 29th and Easter Sunday on March 31st.
Maundy Thursday 2025
Maundy Thursday 2025 In Christianity, Maundy Thursday also known as Holy Thursday, is observed during Holy Week to commemorate Jesus Christ’s Last Supper with his disciples. The day involves various customs and rituals, including the washing of feet, symbolizing humility and service. The term “maundy” is derived from the Latin word “mandatum,” meaning “commandment,” reflecting Jesus’ teaching to love one another as he loved them. This day also recalls Judas Iscariot’s betrayal leading to Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday. Different Christian denominations mark Maundy Thursday with special ceremonies focusing on themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption, reflecting on Jesus’ teachings and actions before his crucifixion.
Christians worldwide honor the impactful teachings and actions of Jesus on the day before Good Friday and Easter Sunday, marking the occasion with special rituals and practices. It serves as a poignant tribute to Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, setting the stage for the significant events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday in the Christian faith. Today, Maundy Thursday is commemorated, followed by Good Friday on March 28 and March 29, and Easter Sunday on March 31.
Maundy Thursday 2025 Summary
Also called
- Holy Thursday
- Covenant Thursday
- Great and Holy Thursday
- Thursday of Mysteries
- Shere from the word shere (meaning “clean” or “bright”) or Sheer Thursday
Observed by
Christian/ Civic
Commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ
Chrism Mass, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Washing of the feet, distribution of Maundy money,
Easter − 3 days
2023 date
- April 6 (Western)
- April 13 (Eastern)
2025 date
- March 28 (Western)
- May 2 (Eastern)
2025 date
- April 17 (Western)
- April 17 (Eastern)
2026 date
- April 2 (Western)
- April 9 (Eastern)
Related to
Holy Week and Easter
Maundy Thursday 2025: History
Maundy Thursday, among other Holy Week days, has a long history tracing back to the early church and has been known as Maundy Thursday since the 1500s. The tradition of foot washing dates back to the 5th century, with the custom of royalty washing the feet of worshipers in London’s Westminster Abbey and providing charity lasting until 1689.
Maundy Thursday 2025: Significance
Maundy Thursday holds a significant meaning as it remembers the Last Supper that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. Jesus established the sacrament of Holy Communion during this meal, symbolizing his body and blood through bread and wine as a reminder of his sacrifice.
Jesus expressed humility by washing his disciples’ feet, emphasizing the significance of serving others with love and compassion. Christians globally observe Maundy Thursday as a time for deep reflection on Jesus’ lessons of love, service, and sacrifice, pondering the lasting impact of the Last Supper on their faith.
Maundy Thursday 2025: Beyond Historical Context
The origin of “Maundy” comes from the Latin term “mandatum,” which means “commandment,” reflecting Jesus’ message at the Last Supper to love one another.
Maundy Thursday 2025: Wishes
- May we reflect on the true meaning of sacrifice and love, as shown by Jesus during the Last Supper.
- May we find the strength to wash away negativity and embrace humility, just as Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.
- May our hearts be filled with gratitude for the gift of the Eucharist, a symbol of unity and everlasting love.
- May this Maundy Thursday be a reminder to cherish our loved ones and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
- May we find the courage to stand by our convictions and walk the path of righteousness, like Jesus did.
- May peace and understanding prevail in our hearts and communities on this holy day.
- May the spirit of Maundy Thursday inspire acts of service and kindness throughout the year.
Maundy Thursday 2025: Quotes
- “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34) – This quote highlights the importance of love and service, themes central to Maundy Thursday.
- “No greater love has anyone than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) – This quote foreshadows Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, which is commemorated on Good Friday.
- “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) – These words spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper establish the tradition of the Eucharist, a core sacrament in Christianity.
- “He who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:8) – This quote emphasizes the connection between love and God, a theme explored on Maundy Thursday through Jesus’ act of washing the disciples’ feet.
- “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will declare justice to the nations.” (Matthew 12:18) – This passage from Isaiah, often associated with Maundy Thursday, foreshadows Jesus’ role as the suffering servant.
- “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) – This is another version of the quote from John, emphasizing the profound love Jesus demonstrates through his sacrifice.
- “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” (John 13:15)- This quote reminds us to follow Jesus’ example of humility and service, as demonstrated by his washing of the disciples’ feet.
Maundy Thursday 2025 Messages
- Let us always be thankful to Jesus for all his blessings. Let us be grateful to Jesus for being there for us. A very Happy Maundy Thursday to you.
- The occasion of Maundy Thursday reminds us what Jesus underwent because of us and our sins. Happy Maundy Thursday to you.
- When Jesus is there in our lives, we have nothing to worry about. Warm greetings on the occasion of Maundy Thursday.
- “When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” – Blessed Mother Teresa (Image Credit: Canva)
- Jesus has always loved us and that’s the reason he took upon all our sins on him. Warm wishes on Maundy Thursday to you my dear.
- When we think of the saddest day for Earth then we think of Maundy Thursday. Wishing a very Happy Maundy Thursday to everyone.
Greetings, Sayings, Cliparts and Instagram Captions
- “Let us all try to imbibe the goodness of Lord Jesus and remember him with love and respect in our hearts. Wishing Maundy Thursday 2025…”

- “When you face problems, don’t ask God to take them away, ask him to show you his purpose. Wishing everyone a Happy Maundy Thursday 2025…”

- “Get together on this great day of Maundy Thursday to celebrate this great occasion and so spread love from God with family…”

What Is Maundy Thursday?
This special day remembers the actions of Jesus before his crucifixion, detailed in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet during the Last Supper and later prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Churches observing Maundy Thursday may engage in prayer, foot washing, scripture reading, Communion, singing, and consecration of holy oils.
When Is Maundy Thursday in 2025?
Maundy Thursday is observed by Christians towards the end of Holy Week, which commemorates Jesus’s final days on earth. It falls within the conclusion of the Lenten season and, together with Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, constitutes the Easter Triduum. As stated by the United Conference of Catholic Bishops, these days are considered as one liturgically, unfolding the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery. Maundy Thursday services will take place on the evening of March 28, 2025, for those following the Western liturgical calendar. Those adhering to the Eastern liturgical calendar, including the Orthodox, will mark Maundy Thursday on May 2, 2025.
Why Is It Called Maundy Thursday?
The term “maundy” originates from the Latin word “mandatum,” meaning “commandment,” referring to Jesus’ instruction to love one another. This word is also sung first during the Maundy Thursday liturgical ceremony, and our word “mandate” is derived from it.
What Are Other Names for Maundy Thursday?
- “Holy Thursday” (Catholic and Methodist)
- “Green Thursday” (Germany)
- “Covenant Thursday” (Coptic)
- “Great and Holy Thursday” (Eastern Orthodox)
- “Thursday of Mysteries” (Syriac Orthodox)
Maundy Thursday 2025 Images