The founder and CEO of the well-known encrypted messaging platform Telegram was reportedly arrested at a Paris airport, as per French media sources. Pavel Durov was taken into custody at Paris Le Bourget airport after arriving from Azerbaijan, stated broadcasters LCI and TF1. Upon his arrival, investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office, linked to the French customs authority, informed Durov of his police detention. French prosecutors refrained from providing details regarding Durov’s arrest when approached by The Associated Press on Sunday, citing procedural guidelines for ongoing inquiries.
Pavel DurovĀ Telegram CEO Arrested By French Authorities
Pavel Durov, the creator and chief executive officer of the messaging platform Telegram, was apprehended by French officials at Le Bourget Airport, situated to the north of Paris. He was taken into custody upon his arrival in his private zone based on a warrant related to the Telegram app. The exact cause for the apprehension has not been revealed at this time.
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Who is Pavel Durov?
Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, is recognized as one of the top five most downloaded apps globally with over 950 million active users. Elon Musk has nicknamed him ‘Genghis Khan’ due to his claim of having ‘100 kids’.
Pavel Durov Networth
Alongside his brother Nikolai Durov, Pavel founded Telegram in 2013, with Pavel overseeing financial and ideological aspects and Nikolai providing technological expertise. Forbes magazine has likened Pavel Durov to Russia’s Zuckerberg, highlighting his creation of Vkontakte, Russia’s largest social network, at the young age of 22 and his estimated fortune of $15.5 billion.
The report included a section from an interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson in which Durov discussed his departure from Russia, stating, “I prefer freedom over taking orders from anyone.” Additionally, the news agency AFP highlighted another part of the interview where Durov revealed that the idea for creating an encrypted messaging app came to him after facing pressure from the Russian government while working at VK. He expressed his intention to reside in Berlin, London, Singapore, San Francisco, and eventually Dubai, citing Dubai’s business environment and “neutrality” as appealing factors. Durov mentioned that individuals appreciate Telegram for its independence, privacy, freedom, and various other reasons.
When Pavel Durov Acquired French Citizenship?
In August 2021, Durov acquired French citizenship before moving himself and Telegram to Dubai in 2017. Reports from French media suggest that he has also gained citizenship from the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, media sources indicate that he is a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis, a two-island nation in the Caribbean. Pavel Durov was compelled to leave Russia after reportedly declining to cooperate with the Russian secret service in providing encrypted user data from his social network, as reported by Forbes magazine. Tensions with Russian authorities heightened in 2018 when Telegram was banned for not complying with a court order to allow access to encrypted messages of its users by security agencies. This move triggered widespread protests in Moscow and drew criticism from NGOs, according to a Reuters report.
Why Pavel Durov Arrested By French Authorities?
French media reported that Durov, 39, was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by France based onĀ allegations that his encrypted platform has been used for money laundering, drug trafficking and allowing the sharing of content linked to sexual exploitation of minors.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was reportedly arrested at a Paris airport by authorities, as per French media reports. The news has sent shockwaves through the tech industry and raised concerns about the future of the popular messaging app. Durov’s unexpected arrest has left many wondering about the implications for Telegram’s millions of users worldwide and the company’s operations. The incident highlights the vulnerability of even high-profile figures to legal action and underscores the importance of compliance with international laws. As details continue to emerge, stakeholders are closely monitoring developments in this unfolding story.