Motorola Edge 60 Ultra The Motorola Moto Edge 60 Ultra is expected to feature a 6.2-inch OLED display with a refresh rate of 165Hz and a touch sampling rate of 480Hz. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen4 processor. The device will sport a triple rear camera setup of 200MP + 50MP + 50MP with OIS, along with a 60MP front camera for high-quality selfies. Speculations suggest that it will offer 12GB of RAM and 512GB of internal storage, making it a top choice. Additionally, the phone will include an in-display fingerprint sensor for security and a 4600mAh battery for prolonged usage.
Motorola Edge 60 Ultra 2024
Motorola Moto Edge 60 Ultra is set to be released in India, featuring 150W fast charging and 60W wireless charging. It will support 5G, 4G, and 3G networks and allow for 4K video recording with the rear camera. The device will also include a USB-C slot for charging.